a leprechaun, a leprechaun? Oh! have you seen a sneaky little leprechaun that came from Ireland? That sneaky Leprechaun was up to no good yesterday at my house. We woke up to green milk! Yes, GREEN MILK! Which Santiago thought was awesome! Did you know green milk turns your hair green? Lo and behold that sneaky Leprechaun used his magic and turned Santiago's hair green!! but by the time I grabbed my camera to take a picture it changed back to brown . . . . shoot! Then for lunch that sneaky Leprechaun turned pureed sweet potatoes into pureed peas (which Santiago hates) Can you believe it? And turned my salad into Lucky Charms cereal? Oh, that darn Leprechaun. that sneaky Leprechaun left shamrocks and gold coins for Santiago to play with.
But by far the most mischievous thing that little Leprechaun did all day was leave delicious shamrock shake cupcakes.
Did a sneaky Leprechaun come by your house yesterday?